Sunday, November 7, 2010

Home is for Happiness

We just got back from a little weekend roadtrip to the Middle of Nowhere.  I took some pictures I hope are good, but I can't share them yet because they aren't edited and don't you remember how we just got back?  I have pizza to eat and a couch (not a car) to sit in.

Before I go, though, check out this beautiful, inspiring, all-around awesome birth story by the equally beautiful, inspiring, and all-around awesome Natalie of Nat the Fat Rat.  I had a minor pregnancy scare this weekend - my period was a few days late and so of course I thought "Oh dear, what does that mean?!"  but then it came and I'm not pregnant and my emotions are all mixed together about it.  Anyway, the above post, and actually Natalie's entire blog, always get to my heart.  Give it a good read.

Now I must pizza.


  1. Thanks for sharing Natalie's blog! It brought happy tears to my eyes!

    Lame pregnancy scares. I wish one could just decide when one wanted to be fertile...

    I'm glad you enjoyed that Abba video, by the way! I freaking love their clothes. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong decade and on the wrong continent!

  2. I'm off to check out her blog post, thank you for sharing!

  3. pregnancy scares are definitely very emotional things...i get completely freaked out of my mind and then relieved out of my mind and then i can't figure out if i'm disappointed or not.
